Most of the daily news seems to be comprised of war, the economy and more doom and gloom than one person can sometimes really handle. But this week the big talk of the town, state and country seems to be the countries largest Mega Million Lottery pot. At $560+ million I personally can't think of one person that hasn't bought at least one ticket and sat back and thought "what if I won the big prize?"
Truthfully I have made the list of what I would do with any large amount of money. A lot of money can't truly make you happy but in today's day and age a little could help make life a little more easy and comfortable. I would gladly share the wealth with those around me, charities and probably do something crazy but I have a 175 billion to 1 chance. The news said the chances of getting struck by lightening was more probable.
I hope the person or people who do win realizes it is a once in a lifetime occurrence if you have the luck and take the chance but also think of the win as an opportunity to live your life wisely.
If anything this week this girl has been in dreamland with a list of what if's. But after tonight I like most other people will step back into the real world and try and continue on with what I have and be just as thankful.