Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Thursday, April 23, 2015

What we Want to Do and What we Have to Do

How many times have you heard your child say, "Do I have to do that?". I know I heard several times with my kids and I was guilty of doing it also when I was a kid. I can remember my go to tag line when I didn't want to do something right away was "Just a minute".  That minute didn't go over well for my parents when they wanted me to do it right away.  I wanted to do what I was doing at the time and didn't want to interrupt my flow. Has that changed since I am older now? Probably a little but I still hate to be interrupted when I am deep into doing something else.

Even as we get older we still have to do things we really don't want to do. My list varies. I don't like to clean the toilet but since I don't have someone to clean my house I don't have a choice. I have a few choice words while I am doing the task as I am sure most people say those same words.

Everyone has their own way or technique in doing things. Most of the time you do what is easiest for you to get the job or task done. I am always for the less steps possible to still get to the final conclusion.

I recently came across a thimble in my sewing tote. I had to have it as part of my sewing kit when I took sewing in junior high school. Along with a seam ripper, sewing chalk, and several other accessories. My teacher Mrs. Keane was very old school in the techniques she passed on to her students. Many were the same rules that my mother and grandmother used because that was how they were also taught.   I have recently been doing a few small sewing projects.  So when I saw my thimble I thought about how little I have ever used it and wondered why I have kept it all these years.  I know why I was suppose to use it back in the day. Mrs. Keane always wanted us to get used to it on our fingers while we were learning. It was suppose to be an assistant in pushing the needle through the cloth and also I always figured so we wouldn't stick our fingers with the needle. It made my finger sweat more than anything and being who I am I would put it on while the teacher was in front of me but as soon as she walked away, off the thimble went. For me it seemed more of a hindrance than a help.
Sometimes I feel like I spread myself so thin on what I have to do that what I need to do sometimes gets put aside. I am trying to be more aware of trying to add those things I want to do to the front of the list, but sometimes what I don't really want to do seems to take over.  I remember when I was younger people would tell me oh you will have plenty of time to do what you want when you get older. Hummmm that hasn't been the case. I still have things piled up that I need to finish.

I think I have heard a saying about a thimble. Something like "it wasn't enough to put into a thimble". I guess that means very little? Well maybe that is why I kept it in the first place. Maybe I thought when I got older I wouldn't have much to put in it to do. Boy, was I wrong.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Sometimes a Human's Best Friend Isn't Always Human

I am not sure who penned the phrase "A man's (or women's) best friend is his dog" but I am pretty sure it was probably a dog lover. I have almost always had a dog in my life from birth to present day with a few fish, birds, turtles, mice and one cat thrown in for good measure. But dog's for me have always been a special companion. In my 53 1/2 years I have had five. My two boys now are in their senior days of life. I cherish each day I have them both and know I will be a sad sight when they do go on to the rainbow bridge.

Pets provide comfort and companionship usually when you need it most. Most of the time they rule your roost just like a human does unfortunately sometimes even more.

Many times I have had dogs appear at my door because they decided to see what it was like beyond their own backyard. One time I had the same experience when our Bishon  Frise decided to take a vacation. It ended a week later on a good note.

I find lately being a social media follower that between the postings of dogs being lost or found, the funny videos of animals interacting with each other or with other unlikely pairings it definitely brings a chuckle when you need it most. The negative side is those sick individuals who chose to abuse animals, who in my book should be tared and feathered. Cowards take the easy way and go for animals when they can't express themselves. It seems like it gets worse or maybe its just again social media brings it to our attention.
Christmas 2014 Scooby Doo and Snookie

Many times I have had people ask me how can I stay by myself all the time with my husband gone on the road. In 30+ years I really haven't been alone.

My one public service announcement that I would suggest to those that have animals goes like this. As Bob Barker used to say on his closing of the Price is Right, "Have your pets spayed or neutered". Although I have never had a rescue animal myself, I am an advocate if you can find the right one that fits your needs and the needs of your family.  Be very sure because they are like children in my mind. A true thoughtful, caring person wouldn't give back a child so don't give an animal back--they have feelings too. They take time, money and more time to take care of.  When you take your dog for a walk--pick up the poop! I equate it too when you go to someone's house and use their bathroom don't you flush?

 While my daughter was away at school years ago, I picked this sign up at a craft fair. It pretty much says it all.