Pets provide comfort and companionship usually when you need it most. Most of the time they rule your roost just like a human does unfortunately sometimes even more.
Many times I have had dogs appear at my door because they decided to see what it was like beyond their own backyard. One time I had the same experience when our Bishon Frise decided to take a vacation. It ended a week later on a good note.
I find lately being a social media follower that between the postings of dogs being lost or found, the funny videos of animals interacting with each other or with other unlikely pairings it definitely brings a chuckle when you need it most. The negative side is those sick individuals who chose to abuse animals, who in my book should be tared and feathered. Cowards take the easy way and go for animals when they can't express themselves. It seems like it gets worse or maybe its just again social media brings it to our attention.
Many times I have had people ask me how can I stay by myself all the time with my husband gone on the road. In 30+ years I really haven't been alone.
My one public service announcement that I would suggest to those that have animals goes like this. As Bob Barker used to say on his closing of the Price is Right, "Have your pets spayed or neutered". Although I have never had a rescue animal myself, I am an advocate if you can find the right one that fits your needs and the needs of your family. Be very sure because they are like children in my mind. A true thoughtful, caring person wouldn't give back a child so don't give an animal back--they have feelings too. They take time, money and more time to take care of. When you take your dog for a walk--pick up the poop! I equate it too when you go to someone's house and use their bathroom don't you flush?
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