Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Hiatus of Sorts for Skating Through Life

For the past several weeks my life has made some drastic changes.

On September 25th an extremely freak fall at home led to a broken femur, surgery and a new chapter in my routine of life. So many things in life happen for a reason and I guess this was mine.

I have always been pretty healthy and never or rarely go to the doctor unless I absolutely have too. Life for the past several years has been filled with a variety of tasks that I felt I didn't always have a choice but to handle the best way I could and sometimes put other things before myself. You hear all the time that you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. I now know that is 100 percent true.

I have been called many things positive and negative. But right now I call myself a strong, independent, fighter who has breast cancer. I know already this road is not easy (I have had one infusion and have another next week). It is one step at a time and according to my oncologist it is the easiest to treat.

Several friends asked if I was going to blog about my journey. Frankly, I did hesitate only because according to the statistics, I am 1 in 8 who gets a breast cancer diagnosis. With so many women and men who have breast cancer why is my experience any different? Well as I began to talk to a few people and express some of my situations I would get, "Gee that is interesting" or "Wow I never heard that" so maybe I do have a reason to blog this new chapter.

I thought about just ending Skating Through Life since before these cancer events started I had lost a little bit of my spark in writing, but as in skater's lives and the new trend in just about anything today its all about the "REBOOT".  Maybe after this part of my life is evolving I will just take a skating hiatus.

I have chosen the title for the blog: BC Chronicles--The Journey Into My Pink World...it is still in early stage:
