The first time I met my father-in-law was as a surprise Christmas visit to Missouri. We had just had our son a few months before and secretly planned a special Christmas delivery of our family. The trip is still vivid, one because we had just moved into our home a couple weeks before the trip and were in the process of trying to get settled and two because we would be arriving just a few days before Christmas and I was hoping for snow. The surprise went off without a hitch. I remember my mother-in-law opening the door with utter shock, my father-in-law probably had a funny smile on his face. You have to know; this man rarely shows any emotion.
I have heard tales of him being so mad that he jumped over the hood of a car. A story about when he was a custodian for the local school district came to mind recently after my encounter with a snake at our storage unit. The principal at the school he worked came upon a rather large snake and went into extreme panic. My father-in-law was called to access the situation. In he came with a shovel and hacked the snake in half and turned and left. A true farm boy reaction.
His life has been filled with the love of bowling, baseball, Las Vegas trips, making things out of wood, his love for his family and enjoying many other things in life from his easy chair in later years. I know everyone in our family has probably at least one special story about him that may bring a laugh or a tear. Another story that I remember was an old fish story, literally.
When they moved back to Missouri from California after retiring, they purchased a lake trailer. Many a weekend were spent down at the lake by many in the family (yes even by myself surprisingly). One weekend they went down with his sister and brother-in-law. He loved to go night fishing. He and his brother-in-law ventured out one summer I am sure humid evening to the peace and quiet of the lake. Many hours had passed and my mother-in-law started to get worried when they didn't return as expected. (Mind you it doesn't take much to get her worried). Finally out of the dark they both appeared soaking wet. I can only imagine the picture in my mind of what occurred next. As the story was told his brother-in-law stood up in the boat to get a better grip on his line and tipped himself and my father-in-law over into the water. Neither had life vests on, and neither were swimmers. They were in the water for sometime, lost the fish, fishing equipment, boat motor etc. I don't think my mother-in-law ever allowed him to night fish again after that.

Over the 33 years I have been in the family probably the last several years have been the hardest for him. He has lost his two oldest son's way to soon and has dealt with my mother-in-laws 10 plus year cancer battle with all he has in him. I have seen the sadness in his eyes and also tears.
I am sure I speak for everyone in our family when I say he has been above and beyond a great brother, husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather.
No pomp and circumstance for this celebration. Pizza, cards, scratch-off tickets and cupcakes with family around was all this wonderful man needed. The man of few words, smiled and blew out his candles on his big day.