Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Little Sunshine in this Long, Long Winter

I speak for many when I say "I am sick of winter!". It is probably the worst I have experienced in my lifetime. The color white has become a constant reminder. Some have actually said to me, "but you loved figure skating so winter should be your favorite time of the year". But those must realize you can step in and out of a rink and experience the outdoor season. Skating is a way of life, like any sport. My body totally got used to being in the little dresses, or almost naked as some used to remind me, but it was completely different. I compared it to football players who play in the snow, you are working mostly on adrenaline and it's something that is a part of your life, like putting on your shoes. Only those who are passionate about something in their life can truly know a little how it feels.

Although I have been a little under the weather the last few days I have still managed to click on the television and watch skating. It brings back those truly magnificent times in my life where I felt like nothing was unattainable.

Figure skating constantly changes but the one thing that is the most enjoyable is to watch the "older" more seasoned skaters come back and try just one more time to capture a moment in their hands they have worked all their lives for.. To put it in perspective their are 10 figure skaters out of the millions and millions who skate who worked up the ranks this year to be able to be an Olympian. You dedicate your whole life, 24-7 to the sport, you live and breath it, it takes tremendous focus and determination. Believe me not everyone has the talent. Personally I was always happy to just do the best I could. I was always my own worse critic (and still am). It's a very harsh world.

I remember long ago our local newspaper wrote an article on my parents about their love of the sport and my dad being quoted he wanted to be "buried with his boots on". That quote made me think about the young man who tragically died on the luge course. It was quoted on the internet this morning that he had told his dad he would either win or die trying. My first thought was be careful what you wish for, but it also made me felt although we never have a chose on how we leave this world, he died doing what he loved.

So with that in this long, long winter from east to west, the Olympics is bringing a little sunshine and fond memories to my life.

1 comment:

L S Fisher said...

Cindy, I'm envious that you not only love skating, but can skate! The only "skating" I do is accidentally when I'm trying not to fall on the snow/ice on my walkway. At least the rain melted more of it today.