Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Monday, January 9, 2012

Coffee Cake for People Who Didn't Drink Coffee

Well it's a little over a week into 2012 and like everyone I am really trying to eat healthy--Again!! I have to admit I did pretty well this year. I didn't do an over amount of baking even though my husband was home for two weeks. I wasn't able to stay out of the kitchen since I felt guilty that while he is on the road, when he is home he deserves home cooking--healthy or comfort food.

One of my friends from back in school days managed to hunt down an old receipe for a delicious coffee cake that the school cooks made from scratch in junior high school. We were spoiled that some of the items were actually cooked and not processed foods like today's school cafeteria's serve.

Early last year the British Chef Jaime Oliver went to a Los Angeles Unified School District kitchen and attempted to teach them how to cook healthy foods instead of frozen, processed, fattening lunches. Of course there was much disapproval from the school board because it would cost more money and with federally subsidized food programs in schools the approach is not healthy but cheap. Jaime Oliver had did this same program in Virginia the year before where the schools also at first were not happy with how he wanted to change things. "If the kids will eat it we will fix it" but if it isn't healthy and is helping in part cause societies battle with obesity why not make the change.

Eventually they did try it his way and who knows maybe someday the schools will serve all healthy foods. When I went to school my mother made my lunch almost every day. She attempted to give me the healthy foods but sometimes I admit I would take money to buy school lunch and toss the home-made lunch in the trash. I no I wasn't the only when then and probably many kids today do the same thing and sadly some can't afford to bring or buy there lunch. I think there is definitely a need for a change in everyone's eating habits. I have always tried to give both my kids and now my granddaughter options. If you don't give them a variety they will stick to the junk food so I am happy even now when my almost two year old granddaughter asks for salad.

After printing the receipe I gathered all the ingredients (including powdered dry milk something I had never had or worked with before). It was a fairly quick process and as soon as it was popped into the oven the smell took me back to the school days of standing in line with my friends and being handed this tasty coffee cake. Funny at the time none of the kids drank coffee but the cake sure tasted terrific. Here is the link for the receipe. www.insidesocal.com/schoolnotebook/2008/02/blogger-raves-about-lausd-coff.html Try it and let me know what you think?

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