Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Birthdays We Love Them or Hate Them--But Having Them Means your Still Around

Well its that time of year when some are happy to be breathing (that would be me) some can't believe its only 57 days until Christmas (my goodness it will be here before we know it!) I made it through another birthday. I will admit it I can not always see the sunshine and lollipops in everyday things and unfortunately for me and others around me are affected more  by my Debbie Downer Days for that  I am truly sorry.

I have loved all the Facebook wishes, gee its the most comments I get all year.  Sadly, with all our lives on the constant fast track with family, commitments, jobs, family I have to admit life and its obstacles lately have been a real problem for me. I am at that age where one wrong move, comment or annoying thing can set me off.  Lets face it really sucks.

I now appreciate all those days many years ago when I was young and carefree and had very little troubles except for maybe the minor one's that then were the end of the world in my book.

Now for the next 10 days every breath, commercial, casual conversation is about who will win the elections.  If you are a small business owner, over 50, and have never felt entitled, taken any form of assistance you are probably voting one way, if you are younger, working or maybe unemployed, have used assistance or feel as though everyone should be on a level playing field, or beyond 50 and facing the twilight years in life  you are probably voting another way. Unfortunately, for me I also throw in women's issues since I am a woman and that puts a wrench in most any race for me because neither candidate or candidates in my area  really fits the  total bill for me. I wonder how many are in the same dingy I am?

When its all said and done after the elections we will be picking up the pieces of our lives in hopes of being able to go on the best we can with what we are given. Kind of like a party after the cake, the presents and decorations you are left to clean up after and then its just another day like all the rest.

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