Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Like it Not, Ready or Not-It Will Probably Come

This past Sunday the pastor at my church used the like it or not phrase as part of his sermon message. He shared that like many of us, as a child his mother frequently forced him to eat things that he didn't like. His dislike of certain vegetables is not unlike mine as a girl. I didn't like peas (still will not eat unless they are mixed up in something) and a few other's that I have since if doctored a bit I will eat now.

Like anything in life if we see something coming or it lands on us unexpectedly most of us truly are usually unprepared for what might happen. Fighting tooth and nail on some such situations still is part of my DNA and the older I get the more difficult it sometimes becomes to pull myself out in hopes that calm is just around the corner.

Mother Nature has packed several punches this season, equipment breakdowns have kicked our butts big time, routine situations in the first six months of the year await outcomes that you never truly know until the very last minute if they will be in your favor or not. Deadlines loom that sometimes we are not ready for not only in business and pleasure. I have said for many years, from November until June with the holidays and the beginning of the year funk, a small window of opportunity of pleasure times is so short its unfair. Some situations are just completely out of your hands.

Ready or not here it comes. Every time I hear this I think of when I was little and we would play hid and seek.  A wonderful game played either in good weather or bad, in the house or outside. Yes, those of us who are "OLD" played outdoor games and were not tied to the TV or video games like kids of today. Some of my favorite places playing it indoors was the laundry basket, under my bed, or way back in the closet underneath just about everything (this is when being really small is at your advantage). Of course giggling always put me out of the game or being sniffed out by our pet dogs, those minutes of fun were and still are terrific memories.

Some things in life you learn to appreciate, tolerate and yes even like. Vegetables or other such basic things are much easier than life struggles. The pastors' point in the use of this was obviously the biblical sense. The past several months I admit I have looked to the higher power to guide me, give me strength. No hiding, just seeking a sign or word was enough for me to bring myself into the light of a better day and count the days until the sunshine will put a much better "liking" too life situations.

I am ready and it will be coming soon.

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