Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Thursday, January 29, 2015

What is in a Name? Unique or Euphonious

On my morning journey to and from daycare to drop off #1 granddaughter I listen to Kid Kraddick in the Morning. I find myself laughing out loud sometimes to some of the things they talk about. It takes me back to when I used to make my hour plus commute in Los Angeles and I would listen to Mark and Brian (my LA people will remember them both).

One of today's topics talked about child naming. It made me think of an episode of  I Love Lucy. The one where they are trying to come up with a name for the arrival of Little Ricky. Lucy keeps changing her mind and says she wants a name that sounds Unique or Euphonious. Ricky comments, "Well if its a girl name it Unique and if its a boy name it Euphonious". Back in those days these names were not popular.

When we were expecting our son I just remember hearing from someone in the family (not sure who) just don't use a name that has already been used. There was no real reason for naming him Matthew other than it was a name we both agreed we liked. When it came time to name the second baby; mind you this was back in the day when you were lucky to get one ultrasound and they did not give you a copy or multiple copies as they do today. I was pretty sure I was destined for another boy so we planned Kevin Wray for a boy and Jennifer Elyse for a girl.  We didn't go the unique or uncommon route.

One of the DJs on the show commented how hard it has become when you go to buy general personalized items how names can be hard to find. I even have a hard time now finding things with my name on it much less any of my grandchildren. Both of my kids have picked very unique names for all the kids: Hadleigh, Greenlee, Greyson and soon to be Gentry.  He also stated how difficult it is sometimes they way people spell names phonetically just to throw you off.

Whatever the case unique names can be euphonious in today's world.

1 comment:

L S Fisher said...

I happened to have the most common name of all and would have loved to have something "Unique" although not sure if I would have wanted that specific name!