Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Broken Hearts-Repairing, Renewing, Rejoicing

At this time of year, for many reasons, the heart portrays a significance in many things. Valentine's Day is celebrated and hated by many people. For those who have love in their life it can truly be a wonderful thing. For those who reflect back on a lost love or a broken relationship it can be like sandpaper.
 At our Lent Service this week,  our pastor talked about broken hearts restored. He told of a personal story about as a young student in the seminary and newly married, he gave his wife a heart necklace. It was not the most expensive, but it showed how much he cared and signified their love. As children were born and the years went on that heart was used as a teething object, pulled out of shape by tiny hands but in her eyes it continues to be a treasured piece of her heart over the years. He also spoke about how God wants us broken so that he can repair and renew us.

Hearts are a precious organ and need constant care and nurturing. Since February is Women's Heart Health Month we often get bombarded with everything heart related. Sometimes it is a wake-up call to get things checked out. Women usually have a disadvantage in detection because, frankly doctor's usually do not take it as seriously.  Gotta love that female intuition though!

As teenagers our hearts are really put to the test. Every young person has at least one story, well more than one sometimes, about how a person broke their heart in some way or another. Believe me you will live through it although at the time you think you will never trust or love again. It is all part of growing up. The right one is out their for everyone at some point in life.

I actually received my gift a little earlier than usual. With my hubby being out on the road most Valentine's Day cupid visits through other means. I remember mentioning last year that usually he sends flowers and then unless I take a picture he never gets to enjoy them with me.  This rose came last weekend through the mail via ihatestevesinger.com. The story behind the 24kt. rose is pretty funny.

Love is about, laughter, crying, snuggles, and many, many things. Broken hearts can last a minute or a lifetime. You are the keeper of your heart along with many other special people in your life.

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