Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Saturday, May 12, 2018

The First Official Day to Plant Flowers

It has been said that designating a single celebration day for Mother's, Father's, Grandparents or various others should be omitted from calendars. I know many who prefer not to celebrate for various reasons and those who yell from the rooftops loud and proud. I like to take the middle approach.

As a child I remember making cards in school for Mother's and Father's Day and giving to my parents. Grandparent's Day wasn't celebrated until 1978 according to my Google search.  1978 wasn't a very celebratory year in my family since that was the year my grandpa passed away. Actually, everyday for me growing up was grandparents day since they were such a large part of my life.

Fast forward to my first celebration of Mother's Day as a new Mom. I remember David got me flowers and a special card. I probably still have the card somewhere.  It was special celebrating a new holiday among the many our family had celebrated so far.

Several years later I remember sending a handwritten letter to my birth mom around the time of Mother's Day hoping to connect. It took a while but we were able to write each other but never got to celebrate Mother's Day or any holiday for that matter. Sad; yes but just a part of my interesting and eventful life.

This day for me is a day of reflection, relaxation and flower planting. Several years ago I started the do not plan flowers before Mother's Day rule and for the past several years it has worked rather well. Although this year it is seasonably warm for Mother's Day, I think my choices will progress nicely.

Happy Mother's Day to all.. Celebrate as you wish.

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