For the past several weeks my life has made some drastic changes.
On September 25th an extremely freak fall at home led to a broken femur, surgery and a new chapter in my routine of life. So many things in life happen for a reason and I guess this was mine.
I have always been pretty healthy and never or rarely go to the doctor unless I absolutely have too. Life for the past several years has been filled with a variety of tasks that I felt I didn't always have a choice but to handle the best way I could and sometimes put other things before myself. You hear all the time that you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. I now know that is 100 percent true.
I have been called many things positive and negative. But right now I call myself a strong, independent, fighter who has breast cancer. I know already this road is not easy (I have had one infusion and have another next week). It is one step at a time and according to my oncologist it is the easiest to treat.
Several friends asked if I was going to blog about my journey. Frankly, I did hesitate only because according to the statistics, I am 1 in 8 who gets a breast cancer diagnosis. With so many women and men who have breast cancer why is my experience any different? Well as I began to talk to a few people and express some of my situations I would get, "Gee that is interesting" or "Wow I never heard that" so maybe I do have a reason to blog this new chapter.
I thought about just ending Skating Through Life since before these cancer events started I had lost a little bit of my spark in writing, but as in skater's lives and the new trend in just about anything today its all about the "REBOOT". Maybe after this part of my life is evolving I will just take a skating hiatus.
I have chosen the title for the blog: BC Chronicles--The Journey Into My Pink is still in early stage:
Skating Through Life the Best I Can
Jumping and Spinning through Lifes Daily Routines in Only the Way I Know How
Quote for the Day
"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Armadillo Population Down- Summer of 2019
After a winter of many days in, to get to take a road trip and celebrate 35 years of marriage is a full circle adventure. Now that our lives with business, family, caregivers adds to our time much more than anticipated, the hubby talked me into getting away for a couple days to celebrate 35 years (technically together 37 years) of not killing each other after all these years.
So for a couple days we headed south to the what many around the Midwest call the southern Las Vegas; Branson, MO (population 10,000 +/- normally, in the summer more than you care to count but enough to help the economy). It had been some time since we had been to Branson. The last time was with kids and in-laws so this time we were in the minority because we didn't have double digit numbers of an entourage. A good thing because you can get into restaurants and other venues a lot quicker with two than more than two people.
The approximate three hour drive down single and double lane roads, green pasture after green pasture was a welcome diversion.
Our first stop was in Springfield for some much needed Hurt's Donuts. We bought enough for a couple days and for sure one or two day old Hurt's are worth the wait. After checking into the quaint and quiet Branson Hotel in Downtown Branson, we took a wonderful tour with Lori the Manager and couldn't have asked for someone more welcoming to make us feel comfortable. After presenting us with a delicious California wine we relaxed and plotted our couple of days.
Our first evening dinner was a little disappointing, but more on that later. We got up the next morning, had breakfast at a local cafe within walking distance and set off for The Butterfly Palace. I have visited several around the country over the years and always excited to see the butterflies in any habitat. Although, the butterfly containment did not have a lot of butterflies to view flying around, (they do release them consistently after they emerge but I guess we just were not at the right time). The 3D video on Monarch's was very good and the gift shop was well stocked with variety of items.
A side note, back at our hotel the manager mentioned that any shows or venues we wanted to visit we could have the tickets emailed to her. We had decided to go to a show (SIX) that same day. Along with the coupons she gave us I averted a real disaster. I accidentally gave the tickets to SIX to the Butterfly Palace cashier! I didn't realize until after we finished watching the video what I had done but we were able to get them back without incident. Off to the SIX show we went. I will say I had many suggestions of shows by many people. In all honesty some of the shows have been there for years and if you have seen them once you sometimes prefer something different. Honestly, ended up choosing this one because it was a Saturday Special Price. But, let me tell you they didn't disappoint. The six brothers (Knudsen) do all singing without music and provide the "instruments" from their voices. The two hour show was well worth it and they did music from the 40s to current day.
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Branson Hotel Sculpture |
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On our back home we stopped in Springfield at the Fantastic Caverns. I had heard about this place for years and to further delay our trip back home we decided to stop and check it out. First discovered by John Knox and his dog in 1865, the cave was held in secret during the Civil War so that they wouldn't be used for military hiding places. In 1867, 12 brave women from the Springfield Women's Athletic Club ventured into the caverns and left, there signatures in stone. Many of the names are still visible (except one) to commemorate these women's entry of the caves. Always enjoy a good women victory story. The comfortable 60 degrees every day was a welcome change for the warm days previously.
As our trip came to an end one observation for the summer season was obvious; the roadkill totals were definitely different this year I noticed. Pretty sure with all the rain we have had this spring and summer it definitely brought out the armadillo population out on the roads, unfortunately many did not make it across the road to the other side.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Age of Living Dangerously
Already more than half way through the year and as some free time came my way I realized it had been an extremely long time since I had posted. Don't get me wrong, I have tried to make time for blogging but you come at a point in life where after doing the same things over and over again you wonder if it is worth the efforts. I have walked that road a lot lately.
Purging the different sections of your life can be a great thing. From closets of clothes you no longer wear, to old records that are a walk down memory lane. What and who you dedicate your time and efforts too should also be reevaluated as well, believe me I have and am continuing to do that as well.
This is my absolute favorite time of year when I can take pride in my plantings and partake in capturing photos, weeding and not needing to think of certain other things in my daily life. I attempt to do this in between the heatwave, rain and other daily life situations.
Not helping the situation has been a literal pain in my side; back pain. While overdoing life at 57 1/2 I somehow strained my back so it has been a challenge to take care of it as well. Doing without yoga for a few weeks and basically trying to find a comfortable place while sleeping has been interesting. The back pain actually reminded me of my time figure skating when practicing I strained my back so bad I could hardly cope with the pain. It took several weeks of muscle relaxers and rest and within no time I was back on the ice.
Those days of recovery are much longer these days and living dangerously becomes living with a freedom of complications and hopefully a little peace but as I punch this post out I hear thunder coming from the west.
Purging the different sections of your life can be a great thing. From closets of clothes you no longer wear, to old records that are a walk down memory lane. What and who you dedicate your time and efforts too should also be reevaluated as well, believe me I have and am continuing to do that as well.
This is my absolute favorite time of year when I can take pride in my plantings and partake in capturing photos, weeding and not needing to think of certain other things in my daily life. I attempt to do this in between the heatwave, rain and other daily life situations.
Not helping the situation has been a literal pain in my side; back pain. While overdoing life at 57 1/2 I somehow strained my back so it has been a challenge to take care of it as well. Doing without yoga for a few weeks and basically trying to find a comfortable place while sleeping has been interesting. The back pain actually reminded me of my time figure skating when practicing I strained my back so bad I could hardly cope with the pain. It took several weeks of muscle relaxers and rest and within no time I was back on the ice.
Those days of recovery are much longer these days and living dangerously becomes living with a freedom of complications and hopefully a little peace but as I punch this post out I hear thunder coming from the west.
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Tucked in on a Snowy Day 2019
I feel like this is a confessional. It has been six months since my last blog post. My post in July talked about the ugly Japanese Beetle infestation in our area and other's had experienced in the spring of 2018. Now its a Snowmageddon of such and possible blizzard next weekend.
So many things have occurred in the past six months. To much to try and cover in one post. I pretty much gave up on the blog I think because I felt; who cared. I went back and looked at how long ago I started it and what I had covered in that time period. Ten years! Ten years of opinions, perspectives, skating stories, family stories etc. I created an Instagram account a couple years ago and have posted pictures of things in my life. Very few selfies but more of a journal.
When I started the blog, social media was not as judgmental as it is now. Let's face it we all are a little judgmental sometimes more than we should be but it is a fact and the only way you can get away from it is to lock yourself inside, not talk to anyone and let your voice be silenced.
On snowy days like we are having we tend to reflect on things because we are being held hostage by Mother Nature. Yes, it is beautiful but after a big storm like this I am ready for the buzzer to sound letting me get back to my somewhat normal daily life. For now I am getting many projects done that had been on my list for snowy day activities.
Happy 2019. Lets see where this year the journey takes me.
So many things have occurred in the past six months. To much to try and cover in one post. I pretty much gave up on the blog I think because I felt; who cared. I went back and looked at how long ago I started it and what I had covered in that time period. Ten years! Ten years of opinions, perspectives, skating stories, family stories etc. I created an Instagram account a couple years ago and have posted pictures of things in my life. Very few selfies but more of a journal.
When I started the blog, social media was not as judgmental as it is now. Let's face it we all are a little judgmental sometimes more than we should be but it is a fact and the only way you can get away from it is to lock yourself inside, not talk to anyone and let your voice be silenced.

Happy 2019. Lets see where this year the journey takes me.
2019 January Snowstorm
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Ode to the Japanese Beetle
This past weekend it was a wonderful morning to grab a cup of coffee and sit out on the lounge chair in the backyard. The cardinals were singing and the buzz of various insects signified it was the end of another week. When out of the corner of my eye I see one! It is not your ordinary small bee or fly; its another one of THEM.
I put down my cup of coffee on the small glass table next to the lounge chair and let out a deep, long sigh. I grabbed the other cup next to the coffee cup on the table and slowly but surely I made my way across the yard to the pink hibiscus bush where the vinyl fences meet and my quest would begin.
Pluck, pluck, pluck those pesky flying creatures. The prickly feel of their legs trying to escape my clutches does nothing to deter me from forging ahead to the next section. Almost each morning and each evening this is where you can find me; in my domain. My concoction of choice is Dawn dish soap and warm water; their final jacuzzi before their demise. They have wrecked havoc on just about every sweet, timid leaf of every type tree, flowering bush and crop in the area. One by one they suck the sweet leaves to a papery thin shell of its former self. In my feudal attempt I know I have only scratched the surface and hopefully as I have heard they will only be around for a few more weeks. Only to return next year fully ready for the same fight. Probably our best hope is that the next winter will be a really white one with the hope they will kill them off for an extended period.
I wonder if next year is the summer of locusts? I surely hope not. I doubt I would be as bold in my quest for eradicating in the same way.
Oh and the mug. I am sure my friend who I received it from didn't intend for me to use it as a holder for dead beetles but the same little bird that I got this mug from is having the same problem only slightly worse. I don't think she will mind. We have both been there and done it!
I put down my cup of coffee on the small glass table next to the lounge chair and let out a deep, long sigh. I grabbed the other cup next to the coffee cup on the table and slowly but surely I made my way across the yard to the pink hibiscus bush where the vinyl fences meet and my quest would begin.
Pluck, pluck, pluck those pesky flying creatures. The prickly feel of their legs trying to escape my clutches does nothing to deter me from forging ahead to the next section. Almost each morning and each evening this is where you can find me; in my domain. My concoction of choice is Dawn dish soap and warm water; their final jacuzzi before their demise. They have wrecked havoc on just about every sweet, timid leaf of every type tree, flowering bush and crop in the area. One by one they suck the sweet leaves to a papery thin shell of its former self. In my feudal attempt I know I have only scratched the surface and hopefully as I have heard they will only be around for a few more weeks. Only to return next year fully ready for the same fight. Probably our best hope is that the next winter will be a really white one with the hope they will kill them off for an extended period.
I wonder if next year is the summer of locusts? I surely hope not. I doubt I would be as bold in my quest for eradicating in the same way.
Oh and the mug. I am sure my friend who I received it from didn't intend for me to use it as a holder for dead beetles but the same little bird that I got this mug from is having the same problem only slightly worse. I don't think she will mind. We have both been there and done it!
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Reunions Come and Go But the Memories Remain
The summer months are frequently the time for reunions. Be it family, school or some other group its not hard to find a picnic or fancy banquet for what can be one of the most enjoyable types of get together in a person's life. I looked at attending my school reunions as somewhat of my proms that I didn't attend. I have attend three high school reunions and hard to believe a fourth is coming up next year. While drafting this post I actually received an invite for a group page for our 40th Reunion planning. For the last several years my high school has a yearly picnic that includes all the graduation years that is always around June 15th. I have never attended one of them, but often see pictures posted of the event. Updates on that reunion will probably be integrated in post for the year.
After a lifetime of figure skating, the group I skated with had its first reunion in 2001. I flew out to attend and most from that team I was on from 1988-1991 attended. For that reunion it was extremely enjoyable to take a look back at our accomplishments and to know I helped blazed a trail for what synchronized skating is today. Still not an Olympic sport or highly televised sport but apparently if you look on YouTube you might find one of our performances; I have yet to find any, but still searching.
Late last year we got word that one of our founding members had succumbed to pancreatic cancer. I did a blog post shortly after I heard after combing my old scrapbook. Carolyn was a sweet yet precise lady of skating. She along with our first coach Chuck came up with music, costumes and choreography for many of the early numbers. Carolyn provided her expertise until the very end. After hearing about her passing several of the former members decided to try and get as many former members together for another reunion.
Unfortunately, life gets in the way and I was unable to attend. Even with the at your fingertips of almost everything it was not enough advance notice for me to go. Picking up and going places isn't as easy when you have so many other commitments and people depending on you regularly. I guess that can be a good thing sometimes but also difficult as well.
My rooming buddy/hair and makeup stylist Pam and also another member Nikki kept me updated through email and social media contacts. Some of the pictures below are from the pdf file they put together with the entire history from 1983 when the Fabulous Forties team began to the last competition year in 1998. As I looked at a couple pictures that were sent the day of the event, only a few of the members during my time were able to attend but I would have known them if I saw them in a crowd.
Since hearing about this reunion I have had many memories come to mind. All the summertime brainstorming to put a new program together, themes, music and practice sessions. Looking back our group of ladies were way ahead of the times. What I would give for a nice cold ice rink in this Midwest humidity!!
My first introduction to team skating was also in a short debut in 1983 before I took a couple year's hiatus to have kids. I remember we were a young, green group for team skating but it wet my appetite for what would later become one of the most enjoyable times in my life of skating.
I may not be directly in the sport today, but I am attempting to keep skating in my life by trying my hand at a short story with skating as a part of the story line. It is a work in progress, slow but hopefully someday a finished product will be published.
Although, I wasn't at the reunion, I was their in spirit. The real test is for those who know me to pick me out of the pictures. I don't think it will be that hard.
1988 Reno, Nevada Nationals
After a lifetime of figure skating, the group I skated with had its first reunion in 2001. I flew out to attend and most from that team I was on from 1988-1991 attended. For that reunion it was extremely enjoyable to take a look back at our accomplishments and to know I helped blazed a trail for what synchronized skating is today. Still not an Olympic sport or highly televised sport but apparently if you look on YouTube you might find one of our performances; I have yet to find any, but still searching.
Late last year we got word that one of our founding members had succumbed to pancreatic cancer. I did a blog post shortly after I heard after combing my old scrapbook. Carolyn was a sweet yet precise lady of skating. She along with our first coach Chuck came up with music, costumes and choreography for many of the early numbers. Carolyn provided her expertise until the very end. After hearing about her passing several of the former members decided to try and get as many former members together for another reunion.
Unfortunately, life gets in the way and I was unable to attend. Even with the at your fingertips of almost everything it was not enough advance notice for me to go. Picking up and going places isn't as easy when you have so many other commitments and people depending on you regularly. I guess that can be a good thing sometimes but also difficult as well.
My rooming buddy/hair and makeup stylist Pam and also another member Nikki kept me updated through email and social media contacts. Some of the pictures below are from the pdf file they put together with the entire history from 1983 when the Fabulous Forties team began to the last competition year in 1998. As I looked at a couple pictures that were sent the day of the event, only a few of the members during my time were able to attend but I would have known them if I saw them in a crowd.
Since hearing about this reunion I have had many memories come to mind. All the summertime brainstorming to put a new program together, themes, music and practice sessions. Looking back our group of ladies were way ahead of the times. What I would give for a nice cold ice rink in this Midwest humidity!!
My first introduction to team skating was also in a short debut in 1983 before I took a couple year's hiatus to have kids. I remember we were a young, green group for team skating but it wet my appetite for what would later become one of the most enjoyable times in my life of skating.
I may not be directly in the sport today, but I am attempting to keep skating in my life by trying my hand at a short story with skating as a part of the story line. It is a work in progress, slow but hopefully someday a finished product will be published.
Although, I wasn't at the reunion, I was their in spirit. The real test is for those who know me to pick me out of the pictures. I don't think it will be that hard.
1988 Reno, Nevada Nationals
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Many people have lucky numbers in life. Some use them for picking lottery numbers in hopes of a big win, others have certain numbers that remind them of a special event. There are those people who have a mind for numbers and those who can't remember a number to save their life. So much in life you are expected to remember your personal social security number or those of others in your family. Lets face it we are a world of numbers. How many PIN numbers do you keep?
This year marks the 68th Anniversary of my in-laws. In a nutshell they have seen a lot, been through a lifetime of situations, but have reached 68 years of marriage together. At a time when marriage is like a dinosaur and some couples treat marriage like an old outfit, they have managed to make it. The last several years has been extremely difficult but somehow they have managed to make it through each obstacle the best they can.
They still know what the other is thinking, finish each other's sentences and are each other's best friend. They have seen their families through good times and bad times, heartache and joy. They have been blessed by many grandchildren, great and great,great grandchildren. Too many to count and name and wouldn't begin to attempt.
Pics-Enjoying Jacuzzi in CA, 40th Anniversary in CA and 50th Anniversary in MO.
Long marriages of any kind are hard to find these days. Lifespans are unknown. People change over the years. Couples think they don't have to be married, a piece of paper doesn't make a marriage. The definition of family has changed over the years. Some except it, others don't. Everyone has an answer to what a good marriage can and should be.
Each moment they have is a milestone. May they have many more.
This year marks the 68th Anniversary of my in-laws. In a nutshell they have seen a lot, been through a lifetime of situations, but have reached 68 years of marriage together. At a time when marriage is like a dinosaur and some couples treat marriage like an old outfit, they have managed to make it. The last several years has been extremely difficult but somehow they have managed to make it through each obstacle the best they can.
They still know what the other is thinking, finish each other's sentences and are each other's best friend. They have seen their families through good times and bad times, heartache and joy. They have been blessed by many grandchildren, great and great,great grandchildren. Too many to count and name and wouldn't begin to attempt.
Long marriages of any kind are hard to find these days. Lifespans are unknown. People change over the years. Couples think they don't have to be married, a piece of paper doesn't make a marriage. The definition of family has changed over the years. Some except it, others don't. Everyone has an answer to what a good marriage can and should be.
Each moment they have is a milestone. May they have many more.
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