Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Long Weekend to Celebrate

With the 4th of July long weekend just hours away, many will be bbqing, having picnics and getting together with family and friends.

We will go a short distance and celebrate with family and friends. Hoping that the weather will hold out since it has been a fabulous week as far as weather for us.

July 4th weekends growing up sometimes meant trailing along with my Dad who was a fire prevention officer with the fire department. He had to observe fireworks being displayed to make sure they didn't catch each other or anything on fire. Fireworks displays are always better viewed from far, far away rather than up close and personal which is usually what we had to do.

My favorite display of fireworks of all times was when I was much older and a friend asked if I wanted to go to the Rose Bowl Celebration. Although it was the most beautiful I had ever seen and by that time I had seen many, I couldn't hear for several days after because the sound bounced off the stadium. Back then they didn't suggest you bring ear plugs or headphones.

The food and the togetherness is much more than the fireworks. Independence is something everyone should strive for. The American flag is a symbol of what Americans have worked so hard for, which today's seems like it gets harder and harder.

No matter what your opinion is of what is currently going on in the world today, if you don't get a little lump in your throat or a tear in your eye when you hear any of the patriotic music that will be heard in the next several days, remember many many people have and will continue to give their lives for what we enjoy each and every day.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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