Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11/2011 Ten Years Later

I like millions of Americans turned the television on and couldn't believe my eyes. The first tower had already been hit and I was numb watching a second plane come what seemed like slow motion hurl into the second tower. Was this happening? My second thought took me immediately back to the late 1980's and a trip I made with a group. We had our pictures taken in front of the Tower #2 sign and also again on the 107th floor in front of a window. The view that day wasn't good, it was very foggy and cold and I remember how I felt like I was swaying side to side being up that high. I remember my friend saying it was like being up in heaven in the clouds. Little did I realize that thirteen years later those words would send a chill through me.

I also contributed to the 9/11 fund back in 2001 but the other thing that went over and over in my mind is what can I do and what should I be doing?

It had been several years since I had been to church to worship and that first Sunday after the attack I went to church with my mother-in-law. I felt I needed to have a little time with God and make my presence known or a sort of repentance that I was sorry that I had been away so long. My time had stood still that day and I was at a loss as to what I should be doing to make my life better and those around me. Over the past 10 years I went to adult confirmation (something I didn't do as a young adult) and have tried to do as much for myself religious feelings as well as helping others at my church.

Everyone has been touched by this tragedy in one way or the other. I believe it is our Pearl Harbor, our Kennedy Assassination. We will always remember where we were that day and how it touched our lives.

Today's television remembrances have left me with a Kleenex in hand and feeling for all those families who may have finally got a little closer. I was surprised to hear that 40% of those lost in 9/11 they never found any tokens or remains of them. Not that a name on a memorial will give them complete closure but at least there is a beautiful place with there name in bronze that can bring them a little closer to a form of peace. Sacred ground it is. May the lone surviving tree that has grown 30 inches since 9/11 reach a branch to the heavens above and touch each soul lost that day.

That days affect on the world will never be forgotten. Amen..

1 comment:

L S Fisher said...

What a lovely post! Thank you for sharing your 9/11 memories and feelings.