Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Friday, December 26, 2014

The Party is Over

Wow my last post was in mid-November. Little did I realize that so much would be crammed into the month of December. I had my list out of what had to be done and pretty much right off the bat the list went by the way side. Early in December what I thought was a little scratchy throat turned into full blown bronchitis and the hack remnants still linger. I, like many winter season babies (of which both of my children were and now two of my grandchildren are) will be ever blessed with never knowing if you will make it through the winter without sickness lurking.

Down for almost two weeks with no desire to shop, decorate or deal with Christmas thank goodness this year we planned ahead in our business. Almost every year for as long as we have been in business this month almost always includes our beloved beastly truck getting sick and coughing into a repair shop. We vowed this year that with the arrival of our first grandson and third grandchild that David would take off from work the entire month of December. Something that was on the list that was fully accomplished.  He stepped in and decorated outside (yes Clark Griswold is alive in well in Sedville) and we pretty much had things up on schedule. A little ironic since we were not going to be home this year for Christmas due to the early delivery of said grandson (Greyson Matthew). He was to arrive on December 25th but due to obvious reasons expressed by my son and daughter-in-law of doctor being out of town then and prior complications from daughters' arrival it was best to plan ahead his delivery.
Papa and Greyson

Greenlee and Greyson

Hadleigh and Greenlee

Now that we have three grandchildren and one more due next year, I reflect back to my time growing up as an only child. My family nucleus was a total of five including my parents and grandparents. Each holiday no surprise guests, quiet, fun and without any drama. At that time I thought every family enjoyed the peace and tranquility. BOY WAS I WRONG!! For the past 30+ years each year has been a surprise, noisy, sometimes catastrophic, drama, suspense, sometimes reading like a soap opera. Truth yes, I would sometimes like to go have the quiet peaceful days. I don't always adapt to unexpected surprises well (unless they are special gifts that my husband showers on me each year for unknown reasons) its at that time I realize his appreciation on how hard it can be for me and his undying support during the difficult memories I go back too.  Our lives are filled with most things we rarely expect, those circle of life moments you have no control over. The older we get not always the easiest to except. Trying to find the little bit of joy the holidays are suppose to bring, sometimes are overshadowed by people and things no matter if its the holidays still create heartache.

I have vowed next year to start shopping earlier. Yes, even though he was home we seemed to procrastinate at things until the last minute which I rarely enjoy doing. My goal will be to have ideas, wrapping the whole nine-yards done in a reasonable time. Who am I kidding, it probably will never happen. Something always gets in the way and change is hard.

As the year draws to a close I look back, the gifts are unwrapped, the decorations are still up yes the party is over. But, really things have only just begun.

May 2015 be less drama filled,  good times abound. I will try my very best to make life a better party. Will you?

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