Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Sunday, June 7, 2015

I May Have Lost My Mind, but Not My Heart

I am borrowing our pastor's sermon title again. I felt it was a rather good fit for the past several weeks.

When I worked full time, had an hour commute and dropped off kiddos and navigated my way through routines in my 20's and 30's ice skating was my sanctuary. Pregnancy brain, fast-paced life I attempted to keep from losing my mind and skating was such a wonderful outlet. The ice rink was cold and would calm me and I could blow off steam all at once. Skating will always hold a dear place in my heart. Now its keeping up with skating friends on social media and gliding through a next generation of skaters.

I am still a Mom and now a MiMi, and sometimes have those lose your mind moments. You take on extra responsibilities,  have a list of projects you want to complete and those honey-do's for the hubby.  I possibly might lose my mind during the completion of the many house projects we have on the list. Doing as many as possible during the nice weather months sometimes turns out to be like the shell game. Too many things need attention before the luxury just want updates. Hopefully the smaller list will get done before the weather turns, I am hopeful. I had happiness abound last week to have two rooms painted. The older we get the more basic changes can make us happy.

Our fourth grandchild arrived the end of last month. Not soon enough for my daughter who had an eventful first trimester of the pregnancy  and by the last few weeks was feeling ready for the blessed event. It was funny how slightly similar our deliveries of our second child were. If it is any indication Gentry will be a force to be reckoned with. Now that she has two little ones, I am sure she will have many instances in the next several years where she may think she will lose her mind. Rest assured every parent but especially Mom's wonder if they are giving enough time to each kid and yet still have time for themselves.  I am a firm believer of "ME" time. If you don't give yourself a break I don't believe you can truly be the best parent you can be. Children need to grow just like the plumeria flower in the above picture. They need nurturing, water, food, a trim now and then and eventually they will blossom into what you see in front of you with maybe a little extra help.

I questioned all the time if I was around enough when they were little, was a stay at home Mom  when they were teenagers and probably around more than they wanted. I didn't always get my lost my mind time away for the last several years but tried to make do with the arrangements that I was given and roll with it. 

I have probably lost my mind more than I care to admit, but at this stage in life my heart continues to grow with the love of family, finding things I enjoy for fun and connecting with friends although most are far, far away.

Thanks pastor for the inspiration.  Starting the week with a clear mind, but a happy heart.

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