Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Monday, June 15, 2015

Wake Up People

Well this past week has been an interesting one. The weather has been soggy, and my schedule, thank goodness I use pencil when I am actually writing it down and with my new phone my alerts would buzz on the 10 minute before it happened.

The older we get the more we seem to need a little push or sometimes a slap on the head to either remember something that needs to be done or maybe just to change the perspective that needs updating. Living where we attempt to get all seasons (they may be a month or two off in some cases or stuck on the same weather event) but I like to compare people sometimes to hibernating animals. We have been in the warm winter comfortable blanket and when its time to shed it, I am usually the first person stripping to spring clothing, airing the house or just making the change over as quickly as possible.

Some people might consider the town in which I live a small bedroom community, other's would say boy are you wrong it is a big town of almost 23,000. However you look at it,some people's desire to kick it into gear can be slower than slow.

This past week we had many people from according to the local newspaper, all over the globe. The weekend was a get together for Red Power Roundup International Collectors. I personally did not come into contact with any of the visitors but the traffic it brought to town made for some unique driving skills and patience for which mine became ragged. The sudden, although by the article businesses knew at least a year in advance of the event, it seemed as though most of the businesses I frequent on a regular basis were ill-prepared to say the least. I have always said don't wait until the last minute to hire someone and expect them to learn the entire operation under excessive pressure--most are ill-equipped.

I think the one major thing that never sits well with me is how people have to be told to "make visitors extra welcome so they think highly of our town". This leaves a bitter taste in my mouth each time I actually see it in print.  Hence, the title of this blog. WAKE UP PEOPLE, do you really think that impresses people when they act different than the normal everyday way? Why leave a false sense if security. This town or no town that I have ever visited rolls out the perfect red carpet.

I always go back to the same movie scenario "Funny Farm". Rent it, Netflix or however you want to watch. It's one of Chevy Chase's funniest and fits any small town to a tee.

Our society seems to have many "wake up people" moments on the horizon. With elections coming up, the economy ever changing, sometimes we need to be hit over the head. Alarm bells sound every day for the varying amount of diseases, remedies to take and ways to change our life. I am all for making changes, but don't change who you are to make everyone else feel welcome.

Over the weekend I volunteered at out annual golf tournament for the organization I have volunteered for over 10 years. The beautiful scenery, even with the rain storms brought out all the wonderful nature the hosting town has.

I captured the picture of the hummingbird, (not always an easy task). The wing speed is always fascinating to me. The fact that pictures of the little birds are a little hard to get, I felt fortunate it stopped to get a quick drink before going off somewhere else. I guess the feeder was its welcome to the clubhouse, red carpet moment and no one really made that much out of it.

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