Figure skating taught me many lessons in life that I continue to carry today. Although it is a sport with many opportunities to either skate and or compete individually, pairs, and also as a team, each entity of the sport has its own advantages and disadvantages. My choices were individually and also as part of a team. Although in individual skating you really only have yourself to blame if you did not skate well usually. Blaming your coach, the ice surface, your equipment sometimes can be the culprit-really you are responsible for the final outcome to a point, the judging and popular opinion take it from there.
As in sports your personal and professional life runs into similar situations also.
I have been experiencing many strange Manic Monday moments that have seemed to take over the entire week for up until recently every week for almost two months. From Corporate America's crumbling communications with its clients to other small businesses taking on more than they can handle and you being the go-to-person for damage control; juggling both of these situations has been in one word: challenging. Add on running our business, daily family scenarios, helping with fundraising for a community organization, and attending a long-weekend event recently that I had intended being all fun and no issues; well it didn't quite meet those expectations. unfortunately.
Struggling with issues is definitely not something I do well. I sometimes find that just taking a shower and hearing the water run is my only peace of the day. Taking up yoga 10 months ago has definitely helped--a little, but lets give credit where credit is due; life can be extremely difficult these days!
If you are not positive Polly, happy Harriet, or smiling Sarah well your just not someone people want to be around. I look at people who are overly positive with much wonder. I guess hiding behind that rainbow poncho helps keep the negativity away. Also trying to find "moments" that create those positive moments can also be challenging.
I actually started this post several days ago and after having a few glitch moments and a few positive sprinkles left and right: finishing a couple books, babysitting youngest grandson, helped just a bit.
Yesterday I came across a post on Facebook about a 90 year old woman that was very well known in the skating world who had passed away recently.
Many in my skating circle had competed with her over the years and I actually competed with her daughter a few times. I watched a few videos that had been posted on Facebook at her last competition she had been in 2015 and she still nailed it.
I have to give her credit, she stuck with what she loved, continued to forge ahead and in the end she will be remembered as someone who loved the sport her whole life. I may not always have those same opportunities I did in figure skating to express my abilities but the memories are fantastic and life continues on.
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