Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Total Eclipse 2017

After months and months of preparations Total Eclipse 2017 is an event for the books. I have to say after having not felt the best for the past week, I wasn't really thinking that much about it but this once or twice in a lifetime phenomenon was a pretty big deal for those who live in Sedalia and those who traveled from far and wide to come and enjoy the show.

Many people spent high dollar for Amazon purchased glasses that as late as last week got e-mailed that they were not to be used for viewing. Many places around town including the 10 days of the fair had free or minimally priced ones. (Side note..did not attend the fair this year) I didn't get out much for the 10 days.

The hours leading up to the eclipse brought some interesting observations. At one point it was forecast to have possible rain in the area but it remained cloudy and overcast almost the entire time prior to the peak of viewing.

Although, I did attempt to build a viewing box the old-fashioned way to view the eclipse my granddaughter and I last minute decision was to go to church since they had free glasses available if you brought canned goods for the local food pantry. On the short drive around town earlier on traveling down the highway many people pulled into the various parking lots around town with folding chairs, cameras and glasses and prime spots to view the event.  A small group was assembled as time got closer, the weather got cooler as the sun and moon inched closer and closer to full eclipse. As darkness approached a silence covered the area. Not a sound was heard for that brief moment until the confusion of the birds and cicadas conversed. The hush was deafening.  As the show began to end it wasn't until later in the evening after watching some of the reports on television on just how magnificent the event really was.

 With all the constant turmoil around it was absolutely wonderful how this event brought a needed peace among people everywhere.

It takes a special event for people to stop and smell the roses or in this instance to stop and be totally eclipsed by the sun and moon.

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