Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Friday, April 3, 2009

Optimism is the Objective

I had a very hectic week and it seemed every time I tried to do something positive something got in the way. But the determined person that I am I forged ahead kicking and screaming. With all of the uproar I couldn't help but go back to two times this week that I saw interviews from Michael J. Fox who you would think would be the least optimistic person around. Since being diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease 18 years ago he has taken a literal 180. How would I know you ask? Well I have a little experience.

When they filmed the trilogy "Back to the Future" parts of the movie was filmed in my old neighborhood in CA. Our house was actually in one scene (if you blink really hard) but the hours upon hours of preparation time made for some wonderful pics of the kids on the props. During this entire time there was an absolute hoopla in the neighbor. It was exciting except for the fact that the filming was done entirely between midnight and 2 a.m. And in all that we never once saw Michael J. Fox. When the crew was asked if he would be around they said, "Sorry he will only appear for his scene's, no exception, his choice". At the time I thought well it's not surprising. He was known back then to be very unreachable. I guess like anything a life-threatening situation changes your perspective on things.

He mentioned on the interview with David Letterman how now that he has Parkinson's he can't really "hide" because his body movements are so noticeable that he addresses when people ask questions of him.

Isn't it funny it usually takes a life changing situation to change your perspective .Why is that? It isn't like we don't know we need to change the things we do or how we are? His optimistic attitude that a cure for his disease and other's gives other's hope.

So I hope to have a great weekend, another busy week is around the corner, optimism will be my objective.

1 comment:

L S Fisher said...

Sometimes it does take that one life-changing event to turn around our lives.