Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekends of Long Ago

Memorial Day Weekend has long been the first weekend of sun, relaxing and BBQing. I have done one out of the three--relax.. I can remember a time when I was a kid that you had to put out your towel, lather on the suntan lotion and bake in the sun for the weekend so that you would return to school with a start of a tan. The school year for us mostly ended toward the middle of June. Sometimes we weren't so lucky with sun and had to resort to the QT fake tans of long ago that left you a strange orange color. Yes, I do admit I did try it once and thank goodness fake tanning has come a long way over the year.

Now with the threat of skin cancer a possibility I tend to spend a little less time in the sun, although I do partake occasionally even though I shouldn't and spend my money on the fake stuff.

I would have loved to BBQ this weekend but ours was on its last leg and was put out for spring cleanup and we have yet to purchase a new one. I have checked a few out but still can't seem to decide on one. There is something about standing in front of the grill and the aroma of smoking meat that just brings about more great childhood memories. Of course then it was charcoal and lighter fluid instead of gas cooking. This is another aspect that isn't as healthy for you either but how is it that everything fun is bad for you?

I have put off firing up the air conditioner too. I guess I am trying to see how long I can go to keep from having that astronomical electric bill. I have pushed up all the windows and letting the ceiling fans and breeze do the work for me. Of course, this has slightly affected allergies but I will live through it.. Oh yeah we never had air conditioning growing up. Our way of cooling down was opening the windows, laying on the floor and letting the ocean breeze make its way through. Iced tea was a "summer only" beverage so we drank pitchers of it. Why is it I don't remember sweating as a kid? Maybe because it is not something that matters when you are growing up. Now you just hope you can get through the day without having to change your clothes at least three times in one day.

Memorial Day is memory day for some-the good, the sad and everything rolled up into one.

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