Looking for the good in everyday life is and always has been a very big challenge; especially for me. While I was growing up I probably didn't really realize what a great upbringing I really experienced. Does any child ever; really!. We had food on the table, (not every meal was a gourmet meal) clothes to wear (mom and grandma made just about every stitch of clothing I wore through elementary school, except for undergarments), and I figure skated on a weekly basis. I was raised in a very regimented, environment to say the least. No wasn't really an option in our house. You either did it or lived with the consequences. Being also an only child I had not a sibling to turn to for blame or advice.
Today and I admit I sometimes can be just as guilty as the next person when it comes to social media, although lately I stick to a pretty true list of what I do and don't reveal, because one hit of the enter/send button can truly make your life a living H double hockey stick.
With that regimented environment, parents and a time way back when where you learned how to do different things to survive or "it just was how it is" era many recent events lately just make we wonder as everyone is doing in so many instances "is this really what our world has become?"
At this time in my life, one group tells me let go and let someone else take the wheel on issues. On the other hand I try to give the wheel up and no one wants it.
Case in point. We have had in the works for some time putting up a privacy fence around part of our backyard. Growing up literally everyone had a living or privacy fence. One yard didn't go into the next, each person had his/her own yard. No one came into your yard without at first asking. Our yard had locks on both gates and really the only time they were unlocked or opened was when the utility person came to read our meters or when my Dad mowed the yard.
To even get to the point that we are at now, seemed to take an act of congress. Try and figure out based on the temperature when is the best time to put up the fence which of course leaves an approximate window of about six months time in Missouri if you place your bets between rain and heat and other acts of Mother Nature you may or may not be prepared for. Call to make sure you don't dig where gas, water or power lines are: check. Remove a tree stump where the fence will be placed: check. Figure what type of fence will last the longest and withstand the weather; vinyl:check.
So the last thing on the list was find someone to install the fence. First, the choices of actual companies or trustworthy individuals who do this type of work seems to be few and far between in little rural areas and those you do call either don't have time or the inclination to even do the job.Please don't tell me to check Angie's List or any other list that really isn't available to smaller areas, thank you. You call people to give estimates; they don't show up and don't call to give a reason. I think we have heard every story in the book. I have even asked for recommendations from people and those haven't went well either.
I still am holding out hope that we may still get someone who does things the old-fashioned way and wants to actually work for a living, returns calls as a courtesy to a possible returning customer and appreciates work being sent their way. I would really rather add other accomplishments to my list but am not feeling post hole digger or fence installer to my who cares in business resume.
Oh and by the way the picture I attached is of a golf course and not my back yard. To me that is the only piece of land with grass I don't think should have a true fence around it.
Hopefully, before the good weather season is over I can proudly say we have a private backyard to enjoy.
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