Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Monday, August 3, 2009

Where Have we Come-Where are we Going-Health Care

I just finished reading a friend's blog and it got me thinking even more about where are health care is today and if there is any hope at all for health care to become something that will benefit everyone.

Her journey with her husband and Alzheimer's brought a new awareness for her that is still continuing even after his passing. She has a passion for bringing this disease its issues and hopefully some days its cure to the forefront. She is but one person that I personally have come in contact with in the past 4 years that each time another issue comes up it makes me stop and take notice of how inadequate our system really is. Where do we start? I'm not really sure. Sometimes for me just the thought not only makes my blood boil but my head spin. I am sure this is how everyone concerned feels but I know I feel every time something new crops its ugly head I feel not only defeated but totally helpless not only for my family but myself included.

Today my mother-in-law must go through another type of treatment for her melanoma. We were prepared ahead of time but when the words came out the process she must go through even before she can get pills in hand are in her case-- laughable.

This new treatment medicine was used back in the 40's and 50's during pregnancy to combat morning sickness. It was taken off the market many years ago after finding it caused severe birth defects in babies born during this era. Later they found that it helps many types of cancers.

While talking to the doctor today he stated that part of the process on seeing whether or not she will qualify to take it is to complete a phone survey on the use of the drug and to make sure that she doesn't get pregnant.. My first question to the doctor is why would the company not know that a 79 year old woman, mind you with a hysterectomy is unable to have children. He chuckled and stated, "that is their process, whether they require a call each time I am not for sure". I think she is obviously more concerned about whether she will be able to afford the medicine more than anything even with additional insurance.

Time and time again I keep hearing that "it's much more important to have insurance, and a higher deductible, than it is to have no insurance".. I am not so sure that I totally agree with this statement because it seems sometimes as though the people who have no insurance actually get better care than those with insurance.

I know for myself I prefer to pay my way in society but not to the point that it comes down to whether or not I can afford a procedure or to eat. Sadly, this has what it has come to for some.

I 'm still not sure where we are going, I seem to just be along for the ride.. Oh yeah, I am not a very good backseat driver....


L S Fisher said...

Loved your post, Cindy. I really had to laugh about the healthcare warning for your mother-in-law. Good grief, common sense would go a long way toward streamlining healthcare.

Have a ga-rate trip, valley girl.

DollMum said...

Have you seen the blog at http://potentialandexpectations.wordpress.com/2009/08/13/this-americans-experience-of-britains-healthcare-system/ which thoughtfully compares the UK and USA healthcare systems based on experience of using both?

It has been commented on in a UK based blog at http://nickbaines.wordpress.com/2009/08/15/the-not-so-special-relationship/ and http://nickbaines.wordpress.com/2009/08/16/nhs-vs-usa/