Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How Did we Live in 1979? A 2009 Perspective

Usually every Sunday morning as I am getting ready for church I watch a program called Sunday Morning. It has been on for many moons but somehow I could hooked into watching. They without fail have interesting stories about different people, places and things from around the world.

This past Sunday I didn't go to church because of the massive amounts of wonderful white snow we had received on Christmas Eve but I managed to wake up and switch on the TV, much to my husbands dismay as he wanted to get some extra sleep.

One of the stories that really caught my eye was one of the reporters was trying to explain to his very young granddaughter about what life was like way back in 1979. She was a young child of 3 so she wasn't fully comprehending the full extent of the conversation. He ticked most of the things we did or didn't do or have and it did put things into perspective as they say.

Obviously we didn't have cell-phones. Most of us still had what they called in the old days a rotary dial. Most of us couldn't afford microwaves. When we wanted to heat our leftovers we either put them in a plastic bag in water or we re-heated it in that object called an oven.

The internet. We didn't have that either. My first knowledge of a computer was a room that had floor to ceiling large boxes that made alot of noise and let's just say you couldn't have one on your lap as we do laptops today.

Car's didn't have GPS to find your way along life's highway. You had what we called a Thomas Guide a book that you opened and tried to find where you were going.

The largest television set you could buy that I could remember was a 25 inch. Now I have seen a 72 inch flatscreen. A flatscreen was what you go if you broke your television back in the day. You didn't have remotes (at least we didn't) you got up and changed the channels yourself. If we did that today alot of us would be in far better shape physically.

The list goes on and on and on. When you put it in the perspective the reporter did you wonder how we were able to survive? But the same could be said if you go even further back to the horse and buggy days, the days with out electricity, or when heat was wood in a stove.

We have definitely came a very, very long way. We have a long way to go too. But it is oh so wonderful to have all the terrific memories as we go into 2010. I really wonder what the New Year will bring??

1 comment:

L S Fisher said...

I saw that too! It was just too funny! Our kids will never know what it was to live without all the electronic devices.