Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A New Decade

As I posted on my facebook page a few days ago, "Only 362 days left in the year". I was being totally sarcastic but it is so true how time flies, whether you are having fun or not. When you stop and think about the past 10 years and what has happened and what accomplishes personally and as a family I/we have made it just seems so bizarre to me. As we get advanced in years it sometimes becomes harder and harder to sometimes get things done in a day much less weeks, years and lets forget a five year plan, those went out the door as soon as I stopped working outside in the general workforce. It's way to hard!!!

When I run through on fastforward the last decade the first things that come to mind: the kids graduated from high school and college, had one get married, the family trip to Hawaii, family and friends who have passed on, family and friends who have struggled with illness, my 30 year reunion and trip this past year, of course the list goes on and on.. When you think as a whole the obstacles the world has been through this past decade and the changes that we have been through you wonder how we even managed to make it through this past ten years.

And what a year 2010 will bring: becoming a grandparent, taking on civil group responsibilities as President of local women's group, taking a trip to Washington D.C, and numerous other things to come.

You never know what surprises are around the corner in your life. At each passing day you begin to hear the voices of grandparents and parents especially "Your just happy to wake up every morning and hope to look forward to the day to come".

I hope this decade is gentle, kind and blessed. I will make every effort to do the best I can, in everything I do, I will try to have a smile on my face (not always easy) and take each day as it comes. Don't forget your family and friends, the line of communications doesn't always go both ways, so take the first step, because other's may not.

1 comment:

L S Fisher said...

I love your post, Cindy. That is so true about how time flies--and it just keeps picking up speed.

A lot can, and does, change in a decade. Wow! I'll be old enough to draw social security--if it still exists.