Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Beginning of the Year Brings Re-evaluating Priorities

Starting a new year has its advantages and disadvantages. I gave up long ago with the resolution thing but both as an individual and someone who runs businesses prioritizing and evaluating your business situations always is high on the list at the beginning of the year. If anything this year I need to be even more organized and making priorities a top one on my list. Maintaining the list is another thing entirely but my goal this year is to keep everything in working order on every front.

Learning when to say the "no" word is also difficult in any situation. I try to take on only what I can handle in both my personal and professional life but it becomes more and more difficult as the years go by. I love keeping busy but sometimes it is not just the keeping busy aspect its not letting things fall through the cracks.

My perfectionism hat comes into play too. I know no one is perfect not even me but if you can come to as close as possible it does help occasionally.

Today a meeting with a labor company we have used for many years made all this come into perspective. We have had the same company for 10+ years and this was the first year we have had an on-sight meeting with them. The regional manager and branch manager found this amazing but as we told them the small companies usually fall through the cracks because we usually aren't as important as a larger corporation. After spending and over an hour in talk with them it made me think there is still hope for the smaller companies that are still in business today.

That old saying, "don't lose hope, don't give up" played in my mind and goes along with keeping me focused on priorities. We will see, right now January is looking hopefully, now six months down the line I will re-evaluate my feelings and hope I still have my priorities in line....Only time will tell.

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