Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Where Would Music Be Without Elvis?

I have posted a couple times that my granpa was an Elvis fan. My grandparents went to Las Vegas almost every year and I'm pretty sure at least once they may have seen him in concert, although I don't recall. I'm blessed to have been given granpa's Elvis record collection too. When Elvis died in 1977 my granpa was saddened like everyone. I remember thinking one year later when granpa died, "well at least he is in heaven with his music".

This past Friday was Elvis 75th Birthday. Wow time ha flown! It is definitely hard to think of him being that age and alive today. To think all that he did for the different types of music and the influences he had but never was able to see is also sad.

They had a tribute to Elvis on a movie channel I watch and they did interviews with Priscilla Presley and one of Elvis closest friends. One of the questions they asked was if he was alive today what would Elvis be doing? Priscilla said she thought he would be preaching somewhere. I'm not sure if that would be true but it would be interesting to see what his thoughts about music today would be.

Out of all the movies he made the one they showcased was one I had actually never seen. "Jailhouse Rock". Many a weekend I have watched and still watch the different campy movies he made in the 60's. But, I do have to agree with Priscilla I think Jailhouse Rock was probably one of the better movies he did along with Love Me Tender. Why, because I too think it caught Elvis at a time when he was still young, fresh and didn't have the Hollywood and music influences that ultimately along with drugs and fame caused his death.

David and I toured Graceland on one of our summer anniversary celebrations. Yes, we had our picture taken in front of the gates like millions and millions before us. I remember it was very eerie how it was as though you were frozen in time in the decorations and all the rooms themes. But he felt at home their.

Elvis will always be the King of Rock and Roll. He definitely brought music to the forefront.

Happy 75th Elvis and thanks for the music.

1 comment:

L S Fisher said...

The only time I visited Graceland was about a week before Elvis died. He was at home and Lisa Marie was riding around in a golf cart.