Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Monday, October 18, 2010

Annual Business Women's Week-Off and Running

Each day I have so much scheduled on my multitude of calendars I am really not sure if I am coming or going. This busy week started off yesterday with our Woman of the Year/Past Presidents Brunch. It's always nice to surprise someone with being recognized for the good they do and we managed it yet again. Our receipient was very surprised and speechless.

Today my partner in crime and I did an early morning radio spot advertising what our club has done and will be doing this week. We were both surprised in that we managed to cover alot of what is going on and really only made one tiny omission but we get a do-over at another radio station later in the week so that will get covered too. I was surprised in that my brain could cover so much so early in the morning. To me it was early but for her it wasn't.

Zumba Exercise, Friendship Luncheon, Membership Tea, food drive is a few of the things we will be doing. I tried to make it a point this year as president that we wouldn't as I like to call it "Eat our way through the week" so we tried to schedule a couple different activities.

It's always nice to hopefully get some new contacts to mix with our hard working current members. I hope each will be a success but hey what am I saying women are always successful in what they do. It may have taken us a little while but we are determined, never give up and wear our successes proudly. If in doubt just remember with November 4th and voting coming in just a few weeks remember it wasn't so long ago we were given the opportunity to vote.

So as our Business Women's Week begins locally and also nationwide get involved in a women's issue or come to Business Women's Week, we would love to have you.

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