Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bullying Has Reached A Whole New Dimension

Sad to say its not hard to have an opinion about what has been not only plastered on the news and just about everywhere about what the degree of bullying has taken recently.

First, it is never acceptable to do any type of bullying. I am sure everyone at one time or another has experienced some form of bullying. My experience was mostly in grammar school and pretty much tapered off as I got older. I was teased for my last name (Boothe) with "You know your great-great grandpa killed President Lincoln". Or the other major one was "Do you live in a telephone booth?" I was also teased for having to wear shoes other than what everyone else wore because I had bad feet. I was picked on for being little, wearing home-made clothes, etc. Sometimes it would bother me more than other times but it never got to the point that I wanted to die.

One of the usual comments my parents would make was "Just ignore it". Today's kids don't seem to be able to ignore it. Why? It could be a number of reasons, poor self-esteem, peers not taking it seriously, it seems to be a number of reasons.

I think a lot of times the bullier has poor self-esteem and thinks negatively of themselves and to help them feel better they chose to put other's down. I have never understood how poking fun at others could make you feel better but some individuals choices are a little one sided at times.

With Facebook those who lived through bullying have a chance to see what some of those who bullied us have become in society. Some are still the same, some have went down the wrong paths in life but one thing I think I can be sure of, taking a life is not the answer. Also it seems when they do this they are letting the bullier win the situation. It's a losing situation really for both sides. Most times the bullier never cares or thinks what they are doing is wrong.

It used to be a part of growing up but it has just taken a horrible and sad turn for today's society. Face to face confrontation has been replaced by Facebook news feeds. It has become easier to just plaster lies and half-truths on the Internet where everyone can be a part of the upturn of this situation.

It has been said that it's the parents/teachers faults. In part this might be true but has anyone ever considered that those who were bully's continue to be so even as adults? Some never grow up or out of being mean. No one is perfect but it is something to consider.

Think before you speak--There is several quotes that come to mind but I have put my own spin on one "A leopard doesn't change his spots--only if he takes a brush and does it himself".

We can all change if we try and/or want too...

1 comment:

L S Fisher said...

With five brothers and countless cousins I was never bullied too long. :) None of them were bullies, but they could hold their own and nobody picked on family. Now, they, on the other hand teased me unmercifully.