Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dividing Lines or Should we be Hung Out to Dry?

It was that time again to spend the morning in the transformation shop or as most people call it the beauty shop to transform my greys into color again. Its amazing how happy that can make someone, I guess I am admitting I am a little vain and trying to hang on to youth as long as I possibly can. I mentioned to the guy who does this transforming for me that I will probably end this process when I turn the magic age of sixty. I figure maybe by then I will be more willing to let age take its course. But for now I will continue going sometimes more often that I want too.

While sitting under the dryer to let the process take its course, I grabbed a magazine to read, instead of zoning out and taking a quick nap as I sometimes do. It's something I have always done. I can remember as a kid putting on the plastic helmet and turning on the buzzing dryer and tuning the world out. But today I thumbed through an older People magazine and the one story that really jumped out at me made me a little mad.

Several town across the country, as part of their HOA rules have made it not politically correct to hang laundry on the line in their yards. Are you kidding!!! What once was a part of most of us growing up is now wrong! Come on. Apparently these associations feel it brings the property value down and is not pleasing to the eye. I'm sorry this would make me made enough to thumb my nose yet again.

As a kid growing up in sunny California at least 3 times a week my mother would through loads of clothes, sheets, etc. in the wash and forgo putting it into the dryer because it was such a great day out we would hang it on the line.(That's a little untrue, the actually reason was because my father didn't want to waste money by using the dryer. Of course we had a completely fenched in backyard but everyone pretty much was a clothesline verses dryer type family.

In this article one of the interviewed stated "they didn't want to see other's underwear and unmentionables". Gee the trick to that is hang the sheets and towels on the outside and the clothes on the inside, no one would ever be the wiser. And besides who cares!! In this era of "being green" I would think people would be jumping at the chance to hang things out to dry.

I guess the people of the by gone years were too much ahead of the times. My opinion those HOA people need to re-think and put themselves on the dividing line to be hung out to dry.

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