Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Repondez s'il vous plait (Please Reply) RSVP

I guess in the age of technology and time being spread so thin, this has become a pet peeve that seems to have gone way beyond it for me.

I can remember getting invited to parties when I was growing up and at the end of each invite the letters RSVP with usually a specific date to let the invitee know if you were or were not planning to attend. The funny thing about this is I always got so excited to be invited to parties but I never attended many parties due to usually getting to excited and getting sick so I could attend.

I find it funny now how most people seem to neglect these four letters at the end of invites today. I don't exactly know the reason why. Some of the reasons I have got in the past are mere excuses. "Oh, I forgot", "well you know I would be there anyway", or my favorite "I was wondering about that, what does RSVP mean"..I find not RSVPing very rude. When someone invites you to a function they need to make plans. Just because you have been invited you can't assume that you will come.

I find it interesting that etiquette has gone out the window with the lack of verbal communications these day. We e-mail, we text message, no verbal communications with your inter circle seems to be non-important these days.

I have come to the point that I wouldn't feel bad if I sent out invites and if I didn't getting a verbal response, I would enjoy people showing up for a function to be surprised if without telling anyone I decided to cancel the event because gee I didn't feel like put forth the effort to do it after all.

Does it sound like I am upset, well yes I am. No matter what we do, people don't respond to anything these days. They only thing they seem to respond too is if you get upset and rant and rave. Guess that's what I am doing, it probably doesn't do me any good but I've layed it out and threw my feelings on the world-wide web. I would be glad to say it in person, if you respond to my invite.

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