Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Not A Day Goes By-Giving Thanks

This week has been filled with a lot and its only Tuesday. Yesterday was one of those days when you just wish you could get back into bed and start the day all over. But the one thing that seemed to make me think as it usually does how wonderful life really is was this week was my week to deliver for Meals on Wheels. It had been a while since my last week of volunteering to deliver and I was wondering how much my route had changed.

Yes, there were some that either no longer needed delivery due to various things, but its always nice to see some of the usual faces too.

It doesn't seem, my how time flies that I have been volunteering for the Meals on Wheels organization for almost five years. Although now I am not only on the board of directors in my community and also deliver, it is not the first introduction to the organization. Many years ago my grandmother benefited greatly. So I was excited to be able to giving back and I continue to do so.

Today was one of those days that things just seemed to overwhelm me at once. While driving to deliver 1 of the 9 meals I do in town, a song I hadn't heard came on the radio. "Not a Day Goes By" by Lonestar. The original group is no longer together but the song still moves me each time I hear it. Just some of the song

Not a day goes by
That I don't think of you
After all this time
You're still with me its true
Somehow you remain
Locked down deep inside

A lot of the song relates to a couple, but for some reason this song lyrics hit me as I was driving and thinking not only about my grandma but also about how you think about people who come in and out of your life.

Most people never like to admit to anyone that they may need assistance in some way. A lot is due to pride or not wanting to be a bother to others. I admit I am that also someone who does like to always ask for help. But I guess most of that thinking is because of being raised to be independent.

It's good to know that there are many, many organizations who are their to provide a little help when needed and even in these tough economic times their are a lot of people including myself who will give a little of their time to help. I give thanks that I am able to do so and will continue to support whenever and however I can, in the memory of those who have done the same.

1 comment:

L S Fisher said...

Some people fall into that "Not a day goes by" category. Those are the ones you never stop missing.