Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's Always Nice to Get A Hug

No matter where you are everyone has been having some degree of hard times. So many people have lost their jobs, homes and in some cases their will to go one. I can remember stories my grandparents told of how it was in the Depression and during World War II. At the time those stories seemed like unbelievable situations. Of course when your a kid everything seems not to affect you. But when you mature into adulthood reality is staring you in the face.

Right now my immediate family has it pretty well. We have our health, (MIL is still plugging along with skin cancer but hanging in their), we have our business and our kids have jobs, we have our homes and thank goodness for friends.

Today I took a day filled with errands and business and went to lunch with my BPW group. We have a weekly luncheon or "friendship" lunch is the actual name. We discuss anything and everything under the sun, family, work, activities and pretty much each lunch always catches us up on who is under the weather and also who has passed. Guess you can't really get away from that unfortunately.

One of my "special" friends you no who you are) came and although we were sitting across from each other we really didn't get to much of a chance to talk. But her warm and always smiling, happy face across the table made the lunch that more enjoyable. She is someone you don't mind dropping what you are doing and giving her a helping hand.

Since moving almost 13 years ago, it has been a little difficult making close friends in town. Although the last several years I have been more involved in activities it's been slightly easier. Lets face it those who have known me for years I have never really been a person who makes friends easily. I think it's harder as I get older sometimes.

For my friends who are across the country that I keep in touch with usually through e-mail or MySpace or Facebook, it is nice to be able to keep your finger on the pulse of news whether it's good or bad.

I received an e-mail today from a friend I went to h.s. with who has went through a life crisis for at this point half of her life. There isn't an incredible amount of things I can help her with across the country, but if an e-mail hug helps, or a note just saying I am thinking about her I think that's an accomplishment. I hope we can continue being long-distance friends for a very long time.

Oh after our lunch today my "special" friend as she was leaving came around the table and gave me a hug. It wasn't necessary but wow was it nice.

Thanks for being my friends everyone, be it in town or far away. I cherish all of you more than you will ever imagine.

A big HUG to all

1 comment:

L S Fisher said...

((Hugs))your way today! I believe in hugs. I'm glad that you moved to town and we've become friends. Hope you have a great day.