Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Weight the Issue

I don't know about anyone else but I have gotten so tired of seeing and hearing about people and how much they should weigh. You can't pick up a paper or watch a program without at least one story about how "this one has put on weight" or "wow that person looks anorexic". Believe me I do know it is hard to maintain my weight. My lowest was at 110 and truthfully my highest was 183. Let's just say the highest for a person of 5'2" was not good. And I do actually know how I got that way. Living a sedentary life and not exercising and not watching what I ate. Let's just say also for alot of people where I live exercise is a seasonal thing. It's not an excuse just a reality. Bottom line. Simple..No butts and mine was not small..

Today's issue with weight runs the range. People who are morbidly obese have a long road ahead if they want to change. People who are anorexic too have a tough one. It's something that each individual person must stop and think if they want to change and how to go about it. Also I have thrown the word "diet" out of my vocabulary. I like to say "lifestyle change". I still eat what I want just not as much. I can't cut sweets, my downfall out it wouldn't be fair to myself or those around me when I can't have them. I am not nice..

I think it is utterly sick how they are making an issue about Jessica Simpson being a size 8! Yes she has put on weight put she is still someone who looks great. Also if it is acceptable to her and not hurting her health and she is "Happy" people leave her alone. People it's not necessary for everyone to be a size 0. No matter how I wish my body would never be a size 0. It's just not in my genealogy. Truthfully I probably would have to eat lettuce and drink water to get that size.

I also feel that the federal standards are out of wack also and not realistic. I was always active my first 36 years. Skating, skating and more skating. Now its walk, walking and walking some more.

I have to admit I do get a little inspiration from watching "The Biggest Loser". I watched it the first season and then stopped for a while. The last two season I have faithfully followed and feel inspired by each person. Although their program is not realistic while they are on set (sorry no real person can put 6 hours with of exercise in a day) and sometimes I really don't feel that the massive weekly weight loss helps in the end but hey if it gets them to the goal and then are able to main (which many have not) so be it.

So....for those people who have started the New Year with the resolution of being healthy and losing weight..Good for you...For those coach potatoes who only can criticize those of us who are getting out and doing something, well what can I say

1 comment:

L S Fisher said...

I think it would be a darn boring world if everyone looked the same and weighed the same. Healthy is always a good choice.