Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Breathing a VERY Big Sigh of Relief

After over a month of appointments, scans, ultrasound, and a biopsy yesterday the surgeon called this afternoon and said "everything was fine". The best possible words in the English language on this day for me.

If you are like I am, I literally had myself suffering from the dreaded disease but the million in one I told you so's and extra special prayers from my great friends and also my little prayer myself to God yesterday as I laid on the gurney while they poked the needle into my breast was heard.

So many things go through your head and it doesn't help when every other thing on the news or television in general points to the worse case scenarios. As much as you don't want to watch it or hear about any of it, it draws you in. I guess you just have to learn to separate yourself from it. I know that it is better to be informed and with the Internet at hand it is really important to keep the truth from the myth or legend separate.

Of course the first person I called was my husband, the second was my MIL who in a totally bizarre turn of events yesterday at the hospital told me "you can't be sick, I need you".

My wonderful daughter accompanied me yesterday bright and early to the hospital. I felt it was alot to put on 22 years of her life but she didn't shy away a bit from the task. God love her. We sat there only a few moments when the nurse came to bring me in. Of course her first words were "How are you today?". My reply was "gee I can think of 101 places I would rather be". I know it was just a way of starting a dialog but what other kind of response would they expect.

As I hopped up on the gurney they covered me with the nice warm blankets my start to the procedure began. Staring up at the ceiling tiles I commented to the technician "gee you would think they would put pictures or even a flat screen TV on the ceiling to distract patients". Her reply "I'll make that suggestion". The hum of the ultrasound machine helped a little to distract me, kinda reminded me of a hair dryer which actually puts me to sleep if I am under one long enough.

The doctor came in and proceeded to explain the quick procedure, poke me with the deadening medicine and then on with the biopsy. The one thing that went through my mind was I am glad I have large boobs because it felt like they were pressing down so hard they were going to invert it through my back. In the snap of a finger it was done. The only symptom aftermath later in the day was I felt like I had been hit with a baseball. No bruising like they said might happen. As I got up to leave the surgeon repeated that he really didn't think it was anything to worry about, "go shopping" he said. Gee I don't have to be told twice.

I didn't go shopping but decided to take my daughter to breakfast instead.

Before we left the hospital I knew that my MIL was down in the Cancer Center getting as she called it "her extra quart of oil". With her cancer she gets low on fluids frequently and needs to get 4 hour treatments occasionally. As I stopped by and had a word with her before she got started, one of our local photographers was there getting set up to take pictures. The Center is preparing a new brochure on the center and they were waiting for "models" patients to come in. The photographer couldn't wait so he asked myself and my MIL and FIL to play like we were patients, by that time a friend of mine had brought her husband in for his treatment so we had a room full. It felt a little strange to me to be acting like I was a cancer patient but I always seem to get talked into things in a strange way.

I am just glad that I can get back to my usual routine and go on...

I tried to keep as quiet as possible about this and only told a few friends..Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers I truly appreciate everything...Sigh

1 comment:

L S Fisher said...

Cindy, I am SO glad everything came out all right for you! I had to laugh at you letting yourself being talked into pretending you were a patient.