Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mother's-What are They Worth?

In the last few days there has been several stories about what a mother is actually worth. They get paid with hugs and kisses, sometimes mean comments but someone has actually calculated what we as mother's would be worth if we got paid over the course of time that we raise our children. I actually took a few moments to figure it out for myself and if over the course of 18 years I would have been, if actually payment had been made close to $1 million! Give or take a few thousand. My children's first 10 years I worked outside the home full-time, with a three hour commute round trip. I still to this day don't know how I did it and can't believe I made it through those years. I guess I thought it might be a little easier when we moved to be a stay-at-home mom. Actually I think it was harder, since I probably tripled my activities, adding on school, business and what personal time I could juggle.

I know no mother would probably take a penny for being a mother, we all know going in that it isn't an easy task, but fulfilling in almost every way.

This time of year is a little bittersweet each year since my biological mom has been gone 15 years, both granma's have been gone for several years and I haven't spoken to my adoptive mom in 25 years. Thank goodness for my mother-in-law. She has been there from the start. Always willing to listen to whatever problems even if they were about her son sometimes. She always says she hates mother's day. I think it brings sad memories for both of us in many different ways.

For those who still have there mom's--don't just make this weekend a day of celebration, make everyday one. Even the smallest thank you or acknowledgement means the world to all Mom's..I was blessed with two great children and any amount of money whether it be a million or a dollar I don't think it matters..

Just watch the next time someone yells out mom in a store, how many heads turn around...

1 comment:

L S Fisher said...

Cindy, I'm so thankful that I still have my mom and she's in good health. I really miss my mother-in-law. She was a wonderful woman and such a big part of my life.

Like you, I sometimes wonder how I made it when my kids were small. We were so busy providing for them and raising them that we often didn't get to enjoy them nearly as much as we should have.

That's why grandkids are so special. You have the time to really enjoy them, love them, spoil them, and send them home.