Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Rose is a Rose If you Leave it Alone...

With another beautiful day of sunshine I thought I really should attempt to finish the weeding I started last week. I know I will need to go back over the area I originally did but it won't be as bad as the one dreaded corner in our landscape that I hate to do and can't seem to get anything to grow their. The southeast corner always seems to get overgrown by several different kinds of unwanted, unrecognizable sprigs. I have all but given up trying to plan anything in that corner for several reasons.

Our dogs tend to run through the planter box which leave it difficult to maintain any pretty flowers or plants. We have several shrubs that you can't really hurt to much, and the birds seem to nest inside them anyway.

We we first moved to this house I was so looking forward to being able to plan a variety of different rose bushes and flowering plants. We had a vegetable garden in our backyard at our house in CA and had a front corner that I planted several roses and other flowers in. Our first year here I eagerly bought three rose bushes and eagerly awaited the beautiful flowers. Needless to say one by one they died, I never could figure out if it was the ground content or lack of but I gave up on roses.

Several years after we lived here one spring as I was weeding I noticed what looked like a rose bush sprout out from underneath the foundation of the house. I left it alone and it grew like a weed, it didn't flower that year but I eventually pruned it back and each year since I have gotten at least one bud. This year I left it alone and it has about seven roses. After years of observations I believe it is a climbing rose bush. This isn't the only plant that has mysteriously appeared in the yard. Several ferns appear at end of spring into early summer that end up like large fan looking sprays. They actually help keep the area cool and look rather exotic.

David and I have figured that before we moved hear that the house probably had alot of overgrowth and the owners whacked everything down to nothing and that it took several years to recover.

I have resigned myself to only keeping hanging geraniums (you usually can't kill those very easily, and they also keep the bugs away).

Like the song "I Left my Heart in San Francisco", well "I Left my Green Thumb in Los Angeles" I guess...

1 comment:

L S Fisher said...

The roses in the picture are pretty. I have no green thumb for sure.