Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Monday, February 2, 2009

Groundhog's Day- 6 More Weeks of Winter

Well unfortunately I have bad news, 6 more weeks of winter. I for one will be glad when we can open our windows, hear the birds and be able to spend much more time outside. I am really not sure how much we can really believe about ole Punxsutawney Phil in PA. Wow it should have been enough that the Pittsburgh Steelers won the Super Bowl for the 6th time but apparently it wasn't.

I have often wondered what the big deal was all about when a furry rodent has his own special day. I recalled as a kid when my granpa would faithfully get his garden area ready for tilling in CA and would go out and see several little mounds of freshly pushed soil, his first reply wasn't "Wow it must be 6 more weeks of winter". He would go to his workshop and pull out his traps and set them one by one inside the holes.

Also we called these critters "gofers". I may be wrong that these rodents are not at all the same but the fanfare of this day just makes the sorrow prolonged. I am still looking forward to spring.

1 comment:

L S Fisher said...

I say Bah Humbug on groundhogs!