Quote for the Day

"A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" -Colin Powell

Friday, February 27, 2009

Octo Mom Saga

I like others have listened since day one about this ongoing saga. This again is one of those stories that you just can't seem not to watch. Although it has gotten over kill in the media like everything usually does its another one of those things you just can believe what you are seeing and/or hearing.

Of course my first thought about this young woman was "is she crazy?". As time goes on I truly believe this woman hasn't a clue. She has so many things against her from the get go. 1) She is a single woman, 2) she has no job, (and sounds like she hasn't worked in almost 10 years if the mental hospital incident happened in 1999) and the fact that it seems as though she has been so misguided throughout her life is sad in itself. We all know that the doctor involved in the IVF was in it for the money not for the ethical reasons and I am sure her ability to pursued him into continuing to do the procedures obviously was never taken into consideration.

All of the interviews have put different spins on the questioning but yesterdays interview with Dr. Phil brought out several new concerns and issues for me. He asked her from a counselor's perspective how she would have responded if she had come into contact with someone like herself? First of all anyone in there right mind will never hire this woman to be a counselor after she graduates with her track record so far. I know I wouldn't. She lives in a fantasy world in so many ways. She also can be annoying not only from a viewer's standpoint but also must be from an interviewer's standpoint. She never once let's the interviewers finish there line of questioning without nodding, interrupting and making some sort of annoying comments.

One thing that seriously hit home for me is the fact that growing up an only child she always felt deprived of having siblings. All of us who are only children feel differently but I am sure the majority of us wouldn't go out and have multiple children! She is definitely the extreme.

She has along way to go and the conditions in which she lives in are deplorable. It makes me think of the saying "Anyone can have a baby, but not everyone can be a mother". I think she has bitten off more than she can chew and I don't know of anyone who could have such superhuman capabilities.

She has unfairly been compared to the Gooslin's with multiples or the Duggars but I don't think you can compare her with any known family due to the fact that they have marriage partners and they have varying age children.

Also the fact that she said she didn't feel it necessary to have a father in the picture, Wow that doesn't say much for her parent's either. Most people admire having a two parents in the household.

I wish her well but I don't really see much positive things coming from this at all..

1 comment:

L S Fisher said...

Octo Mom is one of our modern day TV personalities--so maybe she really got what she wanted all along.